Every Business Deserves to Be Profitable

Here’s How You Can Make It Happen – FOOLPROOF!

plagued by these problems?

  • Too Much Time Working, Not Enough Time Living
  • Business Running Check-to Check & Panic-to-Panic
  • Little or No Cash to Show for Your Profits
  • Not Able to Save Enough for Your Future

Profit First: the Game-Changer

For nearly 85% of small business owners, profit feels like a “Nice-to-Have”. Sadly, 45% of these will fail within the first 5 years for lack of cash and most of the rest will struggle along with marginal profitability.

The good news is there’s a revolutionary way to break away from this fate by adopting a fundamentally better way to manage any business; by making “Profit” your top priority. 

The “Profit First Method” is for any business owner who wants to improve their company’s financial health, get expenses under control, and create sustainable growth. 

Unlike other management strategies that focus on top-line revenue growth, “The Profit First Method” aims to make businesses immediately and permanently profitable by focusing on the bottom-line profit instead.

Watch a 10 minute video that will show you exactly how and why this concept is driving a revolution.

Bookkeepers are “Dime-A-Dozen”

Anybody with a completed accounting certificate can record transactions and reconcile accounts. 

If you’ve settled for an ordinary bookkeeper, or worse – you are going DIY without professional training, you are making a big mistake.

Done professionally, your books will provide crucial actionable data you must have to profitably manage your business

Your books should provide a clear window into the financial health of your business and a view of exactly where you’re burning cash, giving you a “real-time” warning when things are going wrong and an early opportunity to take corrective action. 

Once that information is in your hands, you will be in position to start banking profits consistently month after month. Imagine how that will change your life!

discover extraordinary “High-End” service without extra cost!

get the first two chapters

Hundreds of thousands of Businesses are using “Profit First” to successfully manage their profitability…Just like these folks

What You Can Expect:

Taking the accounting function completely off the owner’s plate is the goal of our service. Let’s look at the primary benefits:

Financial Records Accuracy – Accurate financial information is crucial for making good business decisions. A trained accountant/bookkeeper will ensure that function is performed accurately so that needed information is available without error.

Actionable Financial Information – Sound bookkeeping fundamentals provide the foundation for reliable and meaningful financial information. Customized reports provide information tailored to the individual business for identifying trends, gaging financial health, managing cash flow, optimizing operations and developing strategic planning opportunities.

Timeliness – If your books are not up to date, it’s not possible to produce sound reporting; your reports simply will not accurately reflect the current state of the business finances.

Cost Savings – It may seem counterintuitive to hire a professional to take care of accounting chores. However, considering the benefits described above, along with the owners opportunity cost or the real HR cost of employees, the value proposition is compelling.


Our pricing is based on a fixed-fee model that takes into account the specific attributes of the cutomer business and the monthly services desired.

The basic package starts at $300/month and can range over $2,000/month depending on the scope and complexity of the business. Basic services include all transaction categorization & recording, bank & credit card reconciliations, accounts payable & receivable monitoring and monthly accounting reports with an owner financial review meeting.

Other customized services are available and transparently priced as needed.

Key functions we provide:

  • Capturing and Properly Coding all Bank and Credit Card Transactions
  • Bank and Credit Card Reconciliation
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Accounts Payable
  • Payroll Processing and Tax Filing
  • Job Costing
  • Inventory Tracking
  • Fixed Asset Management
  • Sales Tax Accounting and Filing
  • Financial Reporting
  • Management Reporting
  • 1099 Filings

send me a message

As a business owner, your time is precious. Dealing with accounting routines is not the most effective use of your skills and expertise. I help business owners reclaim priceless time so they can focus on growing their business, enjoying their loved ones, or simply engaging their passion. 

Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
(561) 429-9009
2023 © Freedoms’s Good Accounting Services