The Takada paper shows very clearly that the COVID vaccines are not safe

Executive summary

A new paper by Takada, published on August 3, 2024 shows the ROR for myocarditis for Pfizer was 15 and it was 54 for Moderna.

That means the Pfizer vaccine isn’t safe, and the Moderna vaccine is 3.6 worse. 54 is a train wreck. You can’t give a drug with an ROR of 54. That’s insane.

The health authorities should be educating the public on the RORs for the most serious adverse events.

Yet they are silent. Worldwide.

ROR: Reporting Odds Ratio

ROR is a measure used in pharmacovigilance to assess the association between a drug and a specific adverse event by comparing the odds of that event occurring with the drug of interest versus with other drugs.

The formula for calculating ROR is:


  • A: Number of reports of the specific adverse event for the drug of interest.

  • B: Number of reports of other events for the drug of interest.

  • C: Number of reports of the specific adverse event for all other drugs.

  • D: Number of reports of other events for all other drugs.

In this calculation, the ROR compares proportions rather than accounting for the absolute number of doses given.

Therefore, a drug with an ROR of 15 (like Pfizer) means that the odds of an adverse event occurring for that drug are 15X higher compared to the average odds for other drugs.

That is not safe. That is not even close to safe. That is a disaster.

What it means

The proportion of adverse event reports in the Japanese version of VAERS were 15X higher than the typical drug in the database. But the reports, relative to the total number of reports filed, were 54 times higher for Moderna which is 3.6X higher than Pfizer.

This suggests that:

  1. The safety profile of the vaccines do not resemble, in any way, that of a placebo

  2. With respect to myocarditis, if you are FORCED to take a vaccine and looking to avoid serious cardiac issues, you’d be a fool to choose Moderna

  3. If you are holding Moderna stock, you should get rid of it. Note: it could take the financial market years to figure this stuff out.

Where is the ROR analysis by brand for serious adverse events? Have you seen it?

The health officials should be doing ROR by brand for the top 20 most serious adverse events for the COVID vaccines and informing the public. Why are they not doing this? Do all of them work for pharmaceutical companies?

The ROR for myocarditis in VAERS

The ROR is 16 in the US VAERS database. In short, the COVID shots are not safe.


The FDA and CDC are working to protect the drug companies, not the public.

This paper makes that crystal clear.

I’ve reached out to my network to produce an ROR report on all the top symptoms from the VAERS data and I’ll promote to the public how the CDC and FDA have misled them. They deserve to be recognized for their hard work.


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