Senator Johnson asks the FDA, CDC for data that will show the COVID vaccines are not safe

Executive summary

Senator Johnson is determined to expose the truth about the COVID vaccine. Because of that, he’s my favorite member of Congress, bar none.

He just sent an extraordinary letter to the CDC and FDA asking them for numbers that will reveal just how deadly these shots are.

You will love the letter he sent.

I can’t wait to hear their response.

Johnson’s letter

It’s all covered in this article which I urge you to read. Note: You can only see his letter if you are using a desktop browser.


The CDC and FDA always avoid commenting on other people’s data and analysis. That’s why Johnson asked them what the comparable US numbers are.

I can’t wait to see the reply.

If they are being honest, it should be “we don’t have a clue because we don’t collect the data here in the US.”

And that should be concerning to anyone with a working brain. We’ll be able to leverage anything they say.

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