In the Netherlands, they keep two sets of books for the COVID vaccines

Main Observations

  1. Data Corruption – Records for 878K+ people who since their vaccination died or emigrated have been removed from the version that was made available to researchers.

  2. Double Ledger – at the Dutch Statistics Bureau: They maintain a (hidden) version of the vaccination database next to a version available to researchers;

Main Conclusions

  1. As a consequence, the findings of all studies on COVID vaccine effectiveness that made use of this vaccination database paint an overly optimistic picture. Publications from these studies should all be retracted or corrected

  2. Because all scientific evidence is now demonstrably based on corrupt data, the Dutch government therefore no longer acts in conformity with its international obligations inter alia ex art 2 ECHR (or full informed consent) when claiming that the experimental Covid vaccines are universally safe and effective.

In a just society, the vaccines should be withdrawn from the market and the authorities who did this should be held accountable.

But hey, we aren’t living in a just society, are we?

Full article

You can read the full article here. I’m good friends with the author, Wouter Aukema.


You aren’t supposed to remove data like this. You are supposed to leave it in and if needed, tag it. Corrupting the data like this and giving it to researchers should be criminal because it leads to erroneous analysis and to people being killed as a result.

I predict there won’t be any investigations. But I thought you should know about it. It’s important we have a public record of this.

The same data corruption issues are probably happening in other countries as well.

In Iceland, I’ve heard they are honest about the data. If you know of anyone I can contact there to get some data transparency, let me know. Population there is under 400K, but there should be thousands of people killed by the COVID shots.


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