“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
― Ronald Reagan
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What’s Valuable Now May Become Valueless–and Vice Versa
If extremes exhaust themselves and revert to the mean, if cyclical highs slide to cyclical lows, and if the pendulums of human emotions and certainties swing slowly from one extreme to the other, then what’s considered valuable now will become valueless and what’s considered of low value now will become…
Is Our Five-Year Nightmare Finally Over?
Is Our Five-Year Nightmare Finally Over? by Jeffrey A. Tucker at Brownstone Institute Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s confirmation as the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the US is the ultimate repudiation of the Covid policy response. The scheme of lockdown-until-vaccination was the biggest effort of government and industry…
Darkness Dying
The exorcism of the USA just keeps revving up. You can tell by the number of revolutions-per-minute Elizabeth Warren’s head spins while she spews pea soup at the cameras. Who knew what a demon-infested slough USA Management Central was? And yes, I would like some insight as to how humble…
Why Trump Wins
Many times over the last several years, Donald Trump’s political opponents on the Right claimed he was a drag on the Republican Party’s political prospects. This argument was never very plausible. The reversals that congressional Republicans suffered over the last six years (such as losing the House and Senate by…
Here’s Why Capital is Fleeing Europe… And Why the Climate Scam is to Blame
We did promise it after Putin blew up his own pipeline supplying cheap energy to Europe, but the implosion of European auto companies is really something to behold. Consider this: VW’s profits dropped by 64%. Audi’s profits dropped by 91%. BMW’s profits dropped by 84%. And Mercedes-Benz’s profits dropped by…
Why should the constitution matter to You anyway?
The gathering of men in Philadelphia in 1787 to construct a new Constitution for the United States, was utterly realistic in their profound understanding of the corrupting effects of unrestrained power. Consequently, the framers astutely incorporated precautions within the Constitution’s structure with the hope of ensuring its endurance and preventing our national experiment in human liberty from collapsing into tyranny.
Yet they couldn’t be sure the threat of authoritarian government wouldn’t one day overtake us. Indeed, the collapse in civics education has resulted in widespread ignorance of the Constitution among citizens. Active efforts to dissolve the separation of powers coupled with a general political refusal to accept the constraints of the Constitution have severely undermined the foundation of our Republic.
The need for a renewal of our national commitment to the Constitution has never been greater. As we survey the wreckage of the current state of affairs around the World, it is clear that tyranny is on the ascendance. Our rights are being assaulted at every turn as the rich and powerful global elite gather in their confabs to plan a Great Reset – a Brave New World subject to their new dictatorial regime.
Since its very founding, America has always been “Man’s Best Hope” to escape the meaningless drudgery of a harsh, poverty stricken feudal existence: The promise that each of us has the opportunity to rise to our highest aspiration; the beacon of a “Shining City on a Hill” for all humanity to follow. What made America that way was the profound influence and genius of our founding documents and institutions which together unleashed and catapulted the world into previously unimaginable progress and prosperity.
The time is “Now or Never” for a great civic reawakening and a return to the principles that made America the envy of the World and beacon of hope. That starts with each and every one of us who refuse to accept anything less than the truth of our God given right to freedom and personal sovereignty!
Live Free and Prosper!
Private, closely held control of all central banks, and hence of all money creation, has allowed a very few people to control all political parties, governments, the intelligence agencies and their myriad front organizations, the armed forces, the police, the major corporations, and of course, the media. Get your complimentary copy of the “blueprint” these elites are working from.