Bank Account Running on Empty?

As a small business owner, there’s nothing more stressful than an empty bank account. Nothing triggers anxiety more than not knowing how you are going to cover the bills.
Government statistics tell us that we’ve been experiencing one of the longest periods of nearly uninterrupted growth in our history.
Are you experiencing that? Is the demand for your services increasing? Do you occasionally have more demand than you can serve?
Many of you probably are. But more importantly, are you making the money you envisioned? Are you a servant to your business? Does your PROFIT reflect the growth in demand?
Or does sustainable and growing profit seem like a pipe dream? Are you worried about your company’s financial well-being?
This is the dilemma faced by millions of small business owners.
Without an accounting degree, managing cash flow can feel impossible. As a whole, most small business owners have little interest in accounting or finance. Their interest lies in building a business that doesn’t drain their energy and/or their pockets. They need a business that is permanently profitable…that need is clear.
The good news is that there is a formula for properly structuring any small business to be consistently profitable. A simple system that BUILDS PROFIT INTO EVERY TRANSACTION, so that a growing top line is directly translated into a permanently growing and sustainable bottom line and cash account balance.
And the best part? Everything you need to know has already been mapped out in a concept called the “Profit First Method”. From his personal experience building fast growing businesses that ultimately ended in personal financial failure, the “Profit First” model emerged from the post-mortem self-examination done by Mike Michalowicz to understand what went wrong.
If this strikes a chord with you, you are one click away from finding a better path.